Due to EXTREME pressure I will write a post about our vacation. (OK it was just Kim -who knows me too well- requesting expansive news with at least a couple of paragraphs and photo's). I have some photographs but not nearly as many as my relatives would have, had they been the one's vacationing in Mexico! You KNOW who you are (...Rita, Kim)
I love plants, animals, mountains and ocean, (and suddenly feel guilty that I didn't include people in that sentence! Let's just say that I am coming to appreciate people more than I used too).
Here, orchids growing in the wild
I cried when I saw this. You can't tell very well, but the bottom story is a huge open room, the pillars are covered in bougainvilleas, and fresh breezes flow through. You can see the mountains in all directions. When we are all in heaven together I will have you over for dinner in a room much like this.

This is a bathroom that I liked (really the only nice bathroom I came across. Our home bathroom has spoiled me)

These flowers are very blue, a color we don't see often here in the US. They grow as a vine.

Another fascinating flowering vine, look at the curly woody stem

We took a steep path to the base of a mountain and found this river, it's crystal clear with a sandy bottom. Just beyond those big rocks you could hear a waterfall. (I was wearing sandals at the time and couldn't quite get there to photograph).

Pretty cows, roaming loose.

More bougainvilleas

And the ocean. This was not a swimming beach and the waves crash pretty hard onto these rocks. I liked this colony of birds.

Not pictured. While on a boat at sunset I saw the huge tail of a whale in the distance. It was a tremendous thrill.
The next day on yet another boat, I was asking God to let me see some dolphins, it appeared He wasn't answering my prayer, but then one of the crew members told us to look down into the water right at the front of the boat. And there racing us, just like dogs chasing a car, where four dolphins! I wonder if there is a lesson there, sometimes I don't realize that God is showing me something wonderful because I don't know where to look.
And finally, (excuse my video skills, I've just discovered the video function on my camera)...
The Ocean