It's been non-stop work since we got back, until today. I now feel a little more caught up, taxes are done, all bills paid and paper work caught up. I have had a hankering to do some jewelry design but will have to put it off for a while.
A while back I posted that we were putting our business on the market. We did this as a step of faith, wanting it to be in God's timing. He very clearly said "not yet".
Alan and I had agreed that if we sold the Mazda RX8 we would not only have the money to pay the broker, but also, take it as God's stamp of approval on our plans. Well, the Mazda didn't sell. Over time we realized that we should be grateful that we have steady income in an economy were so many have none.
Ironically, we now have a person interested in buying the car, but the business is no longer on the market, our perspective has changed. God knew we needed some time to reflect.
On a different note:
Any ideas for my next ladies Bible study? What I need is a simple devotional . (Very basic but at the same time thought provoking -remember my audience). I thought I could start with having everyone answer several basic lighthearted questions about themselves (like a Facebook survey -something fun), and then go on to a spiritual question (such as "what lesson do you want to learn in your spiritual life". Here I could use my own example of wanting to learn true joy). Now, I just need a wrap up mini-devotional, and this is were I'd like some input.
No pressure, but I need ideas ASAP